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Thursday, September 5, 2013


I'm hopping to a new place. Place that I'm going to be stranger, outsider. Long exhausting journey to the place that I hope has its own treasure. I'm a traveler. So, this path I chose. Way back, I thought it was a mistake, but now I now. I'm chosen to be here. Place where the people really need help. I mean, lots of help. I'm lost. Don't know what to do. What have been done should be finished, awesome way.

I just have to let myself know that everything is possible. You might missed the target, but still you know you've throw the arrow at the right direction.

Missing my hectic life, but trying to appreciate laid back life here.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Birthday my Lil' Sis

I wanted to express my thought of you my sister, Siti Solehah. Your birth are such a bless to our family.
This song seriously remind me about you, One Direction Liltle Things. Enjoy sis..
little thing.wma

khas untuk Nor Nazirah

I sincerely dedicated this song that I've ruin to my beloved sister/friend  Nor Nazirah. you've requested Marry Me by Lee Seung Gi, but I gave you Return in return..haha, I know it's been too long..I'm really sorry mate..


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Malaysia's 13th General Elections

So far, the result haven't changed yet. Lots of people were kind of disappointed. That include me.

It is my first time ever participate in general election. I'm on the 'opposition' side, what the media use to call. But what I will cite it as WE (read : we).

3 May 2013

I'm not just taking part in voting, but also with the campaigning. Two night before the election WE go for a convoy. Drive trough the night all the way in Alor Setar, my home town. It was actually not planned. I just came back from karaoke with my siblings. We finished at 2  a.m. It's kind of family trait not to be able to sleep early. Then we decide to go to the Dataran opposites Masjid Zahir. We saw lots of cars and bikes with flags and banners. So, we take one flags at the roadsides (which is illegal) and start following the convoy. There were so many of us. Almost 100 of us. All youth.  
        Only four girls, which  are me, and my other 3 sisters. Thank God nothing happened. First time it felt so secure even all the other participants were all guy. But most of them didn't aspect there were girls following the convoy. We were just waving the flags from inside the car. My friends was there too. So coincidence. WE went to Jitra, Kuala Kedah, Kepala Batas and so on. The night when off and WE went back at 5 a.m. Almost Subuh. The excitement was not yet finish.

4 May 2013

That day we went out earlier. about 9 PM. So excited. Not forgetting the flag. Wave all the way Jalan Langgar till Jalan Pegawai. Jalan Pegawai is where my younger sister works. She off from work at 12 a.m. We went there to fetch her up from work. That 'fetch' thing was just an excuse actually. We went first for another convoy. Not actually convoy to be exact. WE just drove by from Jalan Pegawai to Jalan Stadium. When back and forth trough that route honking at each other. Well my words won't take you there. You have to fell it yourself! Lucky me. Went fetching my sister at 12.00 am. We continue our 'things'. Got more guts. All sort of genders, age, race were all one that night. Only one thought we have. 'TOWARDS A BETTER MALAYSIA'. 'inikalilah', 'ubah' were the only word that out from our mouth. Untill 4 a.m. Then we went home. Satisfied. Saying out loud what we want.

The next day I went to vote. My district WE win. But the total vote is not with us (WE). But there's always next time. It's not us who decide to win. It's ALLAH's will and there must be a reason.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sharing is Releasing

Sharing is Releasing
yes indeed..

release everything..
start new things..
hard, but try to make it possible.
believe me you'll feel the different.

Share with those who you trust. Someone who are willing to put her life for you.  If she are not yet to be found, then you have to take turn. Find someone that you are willing to put your life to, exactly! It probably hard for the first time, but trust, me it works. Never ever trust back-stabbers or, well, you might get stab. hurm..

If you don't trust people anymore, for some reasons. I suggest you to try another option. Being anonymous blogger like me. Or you can create something I call 'Book of Craps'. Write down what ever that you can't tell people in that book. Believe me it reduces your stress. But well, keep it safe if you don't want people to know your secret.

much love~ 

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Tajuk yang mungkin agak cliche bagi entry kali ini. mungkin tercetusnya idea ini saat aku sedang mebelek-belek gambar dalam laptop kebelakangan 4 tahun aku menghabiskan masa memperoleh ijazah. Iya ijazah yang sama bagi kebanyakkan manusia, tetapi mungkin tak sama nilainya.

Nilai? Nilai yang aku maksudkan adalah pengalaman, kebolehan dan sebagainya yang kadang-kadang sukar untuk diukur manusia lain bahkan diri aku sendiri. Sesuatu yang aku rasakan tak mungkin aku akan kecapi dan nikmati jika jalan hidup aku bukan seperti ini. Terlalu banyak sampai kadang-kadang aku rasa tak mahu dewasa. Lebih baik jika diri ini mampu lagi berfikir seperti anak kecil yang tiada beban dalam otaknya. Tidak seperti aku yang sudah dewasa ini.

Aku sendiri kadang-kadang seperti hilang diriku yang sebenar. Terlalu takut dengan dunia, sehingga kadang-kaadang perbuatan aku dikeji dan diherdik olehku sendiri. Persepsi dunia kadang kala menyebabkan aku tersungkur. Pelik. Hairan. Tapi itu aku. Sebahagian yang perlu aku pelajari untuk meneruskan kelangsungan hidup.

Mujur ada 'mereka' dan DIA. DIA, Allah yang sentiasa memberi aku hidayah dan petunjuk. menjadikan aku kuat dan redha dengan apa pun.

'Mereka' yang tak henti-henti datang dalam hidupku, memberi jaminan yang aku bukan keseorangan untuk hidup. Mereka rakan, sahabat yang tak hipokrit, memberitahu aku segala kelemahanku. Agar aku mampu bangun semula, tunduk seketika tika aku berada tinggi. Sahabatku.

Friday, January 25, 2013

what is sucks

Today's topic is very serious. What is suck??
recently i rant on my favorite YouTube's channel. i was like very annoyed by those comments that says the you-tuber were her's, "please, marry me", "you are my husband". that are not just sucks but sick. I know its a bit cruel. But wake up. I hate that. They were real people who read those comments. It's creepy.
so, that's all..